Author: Miriam Osborne

Creative Writing VS SEO: How Do You Choose?

When it comes to big projects – like writing articles for your blog or an article for a major publication, there are many factors that you need to consider. In this post, we’ll break down the difference between Creative Writing and SEO Writing and help you figure out which is best for you. How to […]

The Career Opportunities of Creative Writing

It’s a known fact that many people who work in creative writing do so as a hobby or by choice. But, some jobs require you to be a skilled and professional writer. As proof of this, here are the career opportunities for writers. Creative Writing Explained Creative writing is a form of writing that covers […]

6 Types of Therapy For Mental Disorders

Mental disorders are a major public health issue, affecting millions of people around the world. They can cause significant impairment in day-to-day life and can be incredibly difficult to treat. One of the most common and effective treatment options is therapy. Working with a skilled therapist or counselor can provide needed support and help people […]

What is Mental Health and How to Treat It

People dealing with mental health issues know that having a strong support system is of the utmost importance. However, when those with a mental illness live in a society that is ignorant and fearful of the individuals who deal with such diseases, it can be difficult to have a healthy self-image and control over their […]

Everything You Need To Know About Following A Pescatarian Diet

Are you interested in trying out a new kind of diet but want to stay moderate? If so, a pescatarian diet might be just the thing for you! Learn about the different rules and guidelines for following a pescatarian diet, and understand the potential health benefits this type of eating can have. Discover all you […]

Tell-Tale Signs You Are Suffering from Mental Illness and What You Should Do

The symptoms of mental illness can be subtle and hard to recognise. Sometimes, you don’t even notice a change in yourself. However, when many symptoms of mental illness are noticed, it’s important to be proactive and seek treatment. Here are some signs that you may have mental illness and what you can do about it. […]